Monday, 15 October 2012

Who is Stewart?



Stewart Perrin, is a freelance photographer with passion and drive to grow professionally and find new and eye catching material to capture along the way.
His style varies from the abstract (see the Close Up series) to the more traditional landscapes and portraits and will soon be taking the wedding photos for two close friends.

In this blog we aim to post a regular update of his growing portfolio and once it is up and running, hope to start selling some work and taking more commissions.
There will also be more personal updates and random tit bits from the art and cultural world.

A note from Stew;
"When I don't have a camera in my hand, I like to keep as busy and as sociable as I can, keeping in touch with friends local and overseas, while studying an Access course in Art and Design and I am fresh in starting a Frame Making apprenticeship.
I live with my fiance in a flat near historic Rochester (which I have to say has a wealth of things to photograph when I'm free).
I'd like to take a moment actually to thank Zoe as who is going to be keeping an eye on the blog for me when I need the help (or a poke to sit down for five minutes). And it's like they say, "a fresh eye never hurts". Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy the work as much as I did taking it."

Welcome again and enjoy...

 StewArt Photography

A Modern, Relaxed and Friendly Approach to your Visual Dreams.

Written by
Zoe Milne
Chief Blogger

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