Wednesday, 21 November 2012

A Children in Need win for the kids!

Hi there everyone.

The children in need open gallery has come and gone and it was a great success.
We had a lovely collection of art work donated and I would like to thank all the artists for their time and work. Also thank you to Hannah (and her mum) for the lovely Pudsey cup cakes which she brought along; they went down a treat.

There was a good gathering of people that came on the night and thanks to their generous donations and love for the art work, the event raised just over £82.00 for children in need 2012!

So all that's left to say is a big thank you to those that came and gave their money for the cause and to the artists.
Also a big thank you to my good friends; Ian, Michael, Hannah and my fiance Zoe for lending a hand on the night too.
Lastly, thank you to the Brook Theatre for the use of their room for the evening.

Written by

Monday, 12 November 2012

Children in Need Update

Featuring Artists at the Children in Need Open Gallery

It's getting close to the date of the gallery showing. So as promised here's a run down of a few artists and what types of work they will be donating for the cause.

Zoe Milne. Craft and fashion lover (and my lovely fiance!)
Chatham local.
Zoe will be treating us a collection of cute and quirky paper roses of various size and embellishments. Prices for them will be ranging from £1-£3. Also she will be donating photgraphic postcards. Prices for the postcards will be around £2 each.

Roy Perrin - Local Photography Enthusiast (and my gramps!)
All Hallows
Roy will be donating a selection of photographs.

Hannah McIvier - Local budding artist.
Hannah will be giving us a series of painted canvases.

Hannah May-Millinea - Student at UCA Rochester.
Chatham Local
Hannah is donating some more lovely photographs.

Tom - Tutor from UCA Rochester
Origionally desgined and printed T-Shirts.

Stewart Perrin - Host, photographer and student.
Chatham Local
As host I will be donating a series of photographs, they will be a mixture of landscapes, abstract and documentary styles.

And last but by no means least we are very lucky to have;

Sharon Cooper - Well known local artist.
A contact I have made while volunteering at the NAC in Rochester, Sharon is very kindly donating some of her pieces.

In the next few days we will be expecting some last minute donations.
The event is supported (but in no way funded) by Regional Rhythm and Manny's Music.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Children in Need Gallery Event - 16th November

On the 16th of November, Stewart will be holding an open gallery for Children in Need.
He has sourced local atrists in and around Medway to donate thier art work to be sold and have the proceeds go to the Children in Need fund.

The gallery will be at The Brooke Theatre in Chatham, Kent and will be on from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Light refreshments will be provided and it will be a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
So if you would like to come down and buy some art (prices will range from £2 - £40) or would just like to come along to show your support for Stewarts event we would love to see you there.

Check back in a few days for a run down of some of the artists that will be taking part and what types of Art to expect.

If you would like to donate some artwork yourself then feel free to email us at or check out Stewart's event page on Facebook:!/events/108551089304322/

Hope to see you there!

Zoe and Stewart

Written by Zoe Milne
Chief Blogger
StewArt Photography

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

The policy bit.

Please Note.

StewArt is not just a hobby to Stewart and he aims to gain proffessional freelance photographer status. So please respect his work and do not copy and paste the pictures for any product or comersial use.
If you would like to use a photo that has inspired you or would like to spread the word about Stewart and StewArt Photography, then please feel free to send a message to and let us know what you would like to use the image for.

Many thanks and have a great day.

StewArt Photography
Zoe Milne
Chief Blogger.

Pathways and Pastimes

Pathways and Pastimes

A collection of photos taken in various locations that I have visited and felt inspired.

*Please do not use these photo's for product use. If you would like to spread the word of StewArt Photography then please quote our link on your page or drop us a message to let us know what you would like to use the image for. Thank you.*

The Close Up Series

The Close Up Series

Taking the ordinary and seemingly mundane and turning it into something beautiful and interesting.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Who is Stewart?



Stewart Perrin, is a freelance photographer with passion and drive to grow professionally and find new and eye catching material to capture along the way.
His style varies from the abstract (see the Close Up series) to the more traditional landscapes and portraits and will soon be taking the wedding photos for two close friends.

In this blog we aim to post a regular update of his growing portfolio and once it is up and running, hope to start selling some work and taking more commissions.
There will also be more personal updates and random tit bits from the art and cultural world.

A note from Stew;
"When I don't have a camera in my hand, I like to keep as busy and as sociable as I can, keeping in touch with friends local and overseas, while studying an Access course in Art and Design and I am fresh in starting a Frame Making apprenticeship.
I live with my fiance in a flat near historic Rochester (which I have to say has a wealth of things to photograph when I'm free).
I'd like to take a moment actually to thank Zoe as who is going to be keeping an eye on the blog for me when I need the help (or a poke to sit down for five minutes). And it's like they say, "a fresh eye never hurts". Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy the work as much as I did taking it."

Welcome again and enjoy...

 StewArt Photography

A Modern, Relaxed and Friendly Approach to your Visual Dreams.

Written by
Zoe Milne
Chief Blogger